kohlI think it’s radical how every human being in this world has something uniquely beautiful to deliver. And if you just thought ‚really?‘ or ‚ach, not me‘, then you need to be sat down, smacked in the face and you need to shut up for a moment and listen. Just listen. Listen to the beat of your own heart.


We think of beauty as something extraordinary. We think of the latest cover of Vogue or Mona Lisa (well, … I don’t). Or Grand Canyon, or the Maldive beaches. We want beauty to be special.

But beauty can be in the ordinary. She is in the laugh lines on an old woman’s face, who still gives a shit when she gets up in the morning. Beauty is in the faded color of the leaves who have fallen onto my sideboard and match it so perfectly.

Mostly I see beauty in eyes. In the eyes of friends or strangers who look at me with brutal honesty. It can be a fire kohlthey have, it can be kindness or interest. Beauty winks at you in the strangest places. She can be a hairpin almost falling out of hair that you know was put up nicely with the best intentions, but has fallen apart with exhaustion. She can meet you in the polished shoes of an old man on his way to church. And have you smelt your coffee this morning?

She’s anywhere where people care or where you care to find her. She’s anywhere, where a heart beats with purpose. Be it for kindness, for passion or just life. She’s in your heartbeat, too, and she loves to be seen.

Smile at her when you see her.
And tell her I said ‚Hello‘.