BeachRecently I stumbled across a social media post on tuna fishing practices. The video was posted with the line ‚If you’re gonna eat tuna, please know how it is caught‘. Damn right. What I found curious is that it was posted by a senior management member of a company, that produces mostly in Asia. From what I know they try to maintain certain standards, but working conditions could most certainly be better.

At what point is it okay to ignore the own glass-house and throw stones?

Another example: I saw a post about a free sign-up for an online yoga conference. I signed up, followed the link and immediately was asked to upgrade for just 65$! Hm… Just because these foot-in-the-door practices are available, is it okay for us to use them? I realize events cost money and need to be paid for. But preaching truth, honesty and non-coveting in yoga class while resorting to marketing techniques to sell them – is that ethical?

BeachIs it okay to be manipulative for the sake of profitability?

Where to you draw the line between having to make a living and doing the right thing? I know I struggle with it. Considering all the information that’s available through media these days – who do you believe? It makes it so easy for us to hide behind excuses.

Here’s a hitlist of justifications and ways to avoid them:

1) It’s not like I’m breaking the law. Unfortunately we’ve come to think that everything that’s legal is also okay. If you’re searching for a loophole, you’re already a dick. Personally I am a little concerned how we feel we need to create more and more laws, simply because people have forgotten to evaluate their actions based on ethics rather than laws. When it comes to ethics: create your own laws.

2) Others are doing the same or much worse things. Hiding behind others is always a comfortable, nice way to divert attention. Does it justify being an asshole? Not really. Live up to your own standards, not to the standards of others.

3) It’s not my responsibility … to save the world, … to change company policies, … to fix a situation in a far off country. Well, guess what: It is. As little and insignificant as it may seem, there is always something you can do. If you stand for any values at all, then do it: stand for them.

It’s time to reclaim our values, our responsibility and our power.

BeachWe must start in our own yard. It may not always be easy and we may only be able to contribute in small doses, but we can.  Look at yourself, before pointing the finger at others. Then lead by example with your head held high.